Landscaping front and back yard.The edges of the flower beds are usually natural edge or aluminum/plastic edging. planting with a small specimen tree and a dwarf japanese maple and mix of shrubs and perennials. includes soil for plants and mulching areas. (adding decorative rock will bring the total closer to top budget price. The cost of rock can vary.
Project medium yard, landscaping front and back mostly and with small strips on the sides with shade plants. The edges of the flower beds are usually natural edge, brick or aluminum edging planting with a specimen tree, a shade tree and mix of shrubs and perennials includes soil for plants and mulching areas. (adding decorative rock will bring the total closer to top budget price. The cost of rock can vary
Landscaping front and back yard, also the side of the house. and two large island beds. The edges of the flower beds are usually brick/stone, metal or concrete edging, Planting with two-three large specimen trees, japanese maple. two shade trees, 4-6 privacy evergreen trees and a mix of shrubs and evergreens and mix of perennials. includes soil for plants and mulching areas. (adding decorative rock will bring the total closer to top budget price. The cost of rock can vary)
Landscaping all around the house, outdoor living area also about 4 large island beds. The edges of the flower beds are usually brick/stone, metal or concrete edging, Planting with 6 large specimen trees, 2-4 ornament trees and japanese maple. four shade trees, 10-20 privacy evergreen trees and a mix of shrubs and evergreens and mix of perennials. annuels flower sections and pots. includes soil for plants and mulching areas. 4-6 boulder placement (adding decorative rock will bring the total closer to top budget price. The cost of rock can vary)
*Includes Install & Materials*
Paver patio Large enough for dining and fireplace
( Price may vary on patio design and type of paver materials)
Connecting front or back to the side of the house
( Price may vary based on design and materials)
Connecting front to the back.
Walkway leading to the front door from the driveway and walkway from the front to the back of the house.
A small bbq island/bar on a patio (Granite countertops and stainless appliances)
( Price can vary based on design and appliances)
A standard Gazebo for those sunny enjoyment on your patio.
( Price may vary on patio design and materials)
A standard wood pergola with top beam and cross braces, for semi shade but airy and open.
4-5ft stream with 2 waterfalls, fiter steam
6-8ft stream with 3 waterfalls, large boulder placement, led lights, water quality filter systems and 5 water loving plants,
7.5x by 11ft with small waterfall and rock placement.filter system. good size for 4-6 fish.
Custom 10x12 pond with 8ft stream and waterfall, large boulder placement and water plants. led lights and filter system.